14 April 2020 / COVID-19

QLD Border Restrictions

As you are likely aware there has been some recent significant changes to QLD border restrictions.

Below is intended as a general update. Please forward to anyone who needs this information and contact me if you have any questions.

General information

  • A QLD resident is a person who ordinally resides in QLD (as evidenced by a drivers’ licence or other ID)
  • All QLD residents moving between QLD and other states require a border pass on re-entry to QLD: https://www.qld.gov.au/border-pass
  • This applies to people both flying in and driving in, as well as border community residents
  • As QLD Government defines construction work as essential, QLD residents undertaking construction work are allowed to travel interstate (including hotspots) and will not have to self-isolate on re-entry to QLD. More info on this below.
  • Virgin Australia has grounded all domestic flights (except one SYD-MEL route). If you had flights booked with Virgin, CTM will be in touch to discuss options
  • The attached documents have been updated and supersede all other versions
  • You should avoid travel if possible. If you cannot avoid travelling, please read on and prepare yourself for working from home in QLD on re-entry (as a precaution only)

QLD residents leaving QLD for construction work purposes

  • Construction work in NSW/VIC
    • These states’ borders are open.
    • You may still be asked what you are doing in the state on arrival into the airport / if pulled up by Police so it’s important to be carrying a letter (template attached) as evidence.
  • Construction work in NT/TAS/ACT/WA
    • These states/territories’ borders are restricted.
    • Construction workers should be able to enter without being asked to self-isolate, but each state has different requirements for providing evidence of this.
    • Please contact me to discuss your options further.

QLD residents returning to QLD after being in another state for construction work purposes

  • QLD residents who have been in another state for construction work purposes should not have to self-isolate for 14 days on entry back into QLD, as construction is defined by QLD as essential work.
  • On re-entry, you must be carrying a:
    • QLD Border Pass (filled out shortly before re-entry so the information provided is accurate)
  • It is important that you are also carrying the attached with you on re-entry to QLD (either flying/driving in):
    • Hutchinson Builders’ letter (filled out with relevant information about your travels)
    • Hutchinson Builders’ Health Plan (filled out with relevant details. Note: only fill in the grey highlighted fields. If you need any amendments made to this plan based on another state or territory’s requirements, please contact me first)
    • Hutchinson Builders’ COVID-19 Plan (latest version available on Toolbox here)
  • The above extra documentation (besides the Border Pass) is precautionary and to be carried in case QLD Police request it on your re-entry.
  • The purpose of doing this is to avoid being forced to self-isolate for 14 days as you were in another state carrying out essential construction work.
  • If you develop symptoms, do not come to work and immediately seek medical assessment.

QLD residents flying within QLD for construction work purposes

  • As you are not travelling to another state, the above should not apply
  • However, as a precaution, you should be carrying the above documents (Letter, Health Plan and HB COVID-19 Plan) as evidence in case you are pulled up by QLD Police

Advice regarding Queensland Government declared hotspots

  • The QLD Government has now published a list of areas it considers ‘COVID-19 hotspots’ here: https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/current-status/hotspots-covid-19
  • However, as QLD Government defines construction work as essential, QLD residents undertaking construction work are allowed to travel to hotspots and will not have to self-isolate on re-entry (as per above)
  • This is not recommended. If travel to hotspots cannot be avoided, you should prepare yourself for having to work from home on return to QLD. For example, this could mean ensuring you have a computer set up at home that is connected to Hutchies’ network before you leave QLD. This is purely a precaution in case you develop symptoms or something changes whilst you are interstate and you are then required to self-isolate.

Please contact Tabi Ward if you have any questions.

Other Recent Activities

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10 October / Update

Make sure bin chute systems are installed correctly, following the tested systems and the manufacturers’ instructions.

Check the detailed drawings from Elephant’s Foot and Wastech for different wall types (plasterboard, shaft-liner, speed panel, concrete, Hebel, and masonry).

Any changes to the tested systems must be approved by your project certifier, signed off by the fire engineer in the fire engineering report (FER), and accepted by the relevant state / territory fire service.

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