8 July 2020 / COVID-19

PM & Aged Care Minister Address

The Prime Minister just spoke to the media at a Press Conference, alongside the Aged Care Minister Richard Colbeck.

  • This is a global pandemic and there are no guarantees in a global pandemic. Dealing with virus is a national coordinated effort, and this time is particularly hard on Melbourne
  • Our success depends on the success of each state, and Victoria is getting support it needs from Govt / states
  • Aged care – one of the most significant areas of concern. Additional 6100 in-home aged care places have been added, bringing it up to an additional 50,000 and will be tabled further in Budget in Oct.
  • Advice regarding travel – if in VIC / NSW, don’t travel around the state, particularly those in border communities
  • There will be further phase of financial support after September based on need and will include VIC, but support will continue nationally based on need – it won’t be location based. PM and Treasurer have been preparing next phase with this in mind.
  • International arrivals load will be reduced across Australia to reduce burdens on states given VIC. More on this in Nat Cab on Friday.
  • All other states in very strong position re handling the virus. Reopening to go ahead as planned.
  • Consideration around people paying for quarantine as opposed to state-paid. This is on each state and territory and this would be supported by Commonwealth, people have had a lot of opportunities to return.
  • Masks – there is constant medical advice provided, and the Govt will continue to follow the advice.
  • PM hopes that the lockdown in Greater Melbourne doesn’t go on for 6 weeks, but he supports Victoria – not his job to second guess Premiers, it’s to support them as PM
  • The measures we have taken as a country need to continue no matter what age/job/income you have, it’s about supporting other Australians which we all have a responsibility to do. How we respond is what we have control over, we don’t have control over the virus. We thank Melbournians for their response to this despite how heartbreaking and frustrating it is, especially as things just started reopening.
  • National Cabinet will meet again this Friday.

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10 October / Update

Make sure bin chute systems are installed correctly, following the tested systems and the manufacturers’ instructions.

Check the detailed drawings from Elephant’s Foot and Wastech for different wall types (plasterboard, shaft-liner, speed panel, concrete, Hebel, and masonry).

Any changes to the tested systems must be approved by your project certifier, signed off by the fire engineer in the fire engineering report (FER), and accepted by the relevant state / territory fire service.

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