13 Dec - 15 Jan 2023 / Reminder

Help is available over the holidays

Hutchies wishes everyone a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year.

The silly season can be a time of fun and frivolity, but it can also take its toll on our mental health. Spending time with or without family and friends, financial stresses, packed calendars, and long to do lists can seem overwhelming, and stressful.

We wanted to use this opportunity to remind everyone that Hutchies has free and confidential employee assistance programs (EAPs) and support services available.

Details are provided below for these services, which are available 24 x 7 to any of Hutchies' people, their family members or our subcontractors and suppliers for any reason at all. 

Hutchies' mobile devices also have access to the Converge International app in our catalogue which you can text for a time to chat.

Please take care over the break and look after yourself and those around you. We look forward to seeing you in 2024.

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10 February / General

Do you have a voice for radio? We're looking for 2 people to be the voices to Hutchies. 

Your voice could be featured in Hutchies' videos. 

And you could win an iPhone 16.

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