Good Hygiene
Wash your hands often for 20 secs & use hand sanitiser in between
Keeping COVIDSafe
The new year brings a renewed focus of staying vigilant in our fight against COVID-19. The measures Hutchies adopted last year remain the best ways to keep everyone safe and continue to be implemented across our sites and offices.
Different states and territories have also introduced new restrictions as a result of clusters that formed in New South Wales and Victoria. An overhaul of the Hutchies’ Toolbox coronavirus page has been completed, including summaries of each state and territory for your convenience. Please monitor and comply with any local requirements that may be applicable to you, including potential impacts to interstate travel.
Your individual effort contributes to keeping case numbers low. Part of our collective responsibility is ensuring that we each recognise coronavirus symptoms and get tested if we experience any of these (regardless of how mild they may be).
> Hutchies’ sites and offices must continue implementing our measures
> Keep signing in to Hutchies’ offices and sites for contact tracing efforts
> Monitor and comply with any additional local restrictions
> Reconsider interstate travel and be prepared to get tested after flying
> Even with the mildest of symptoms, get tested immediately
> Monitor contact tracing lists daily in your state if there is an outbreak
> NSW has mandated masks in some indoor settings in areas of Sydney
> VIC has reintroduced masks in indoor settings across the state
> QLD has closed its borders to hotspots in and around Greater Sydney
> A QLD border pass is required for people from regional NSW
> VIC has a hard border closure to all of NSW
> NSW has active local rules in place for parts of Greater Sydney
> VIC also has active local rules in place for the whole state
> If you have travelled to NSW or VIC, consider getting tested ASAP
As outbreaks continue to occur, Hutchies is tracking all
If you are unsure about any current restrictions or measures in place (including border controls), or need to know what is relevant to you or Hutchies’ broader workforce, feel free to contact us via coronavirus@hutchies.com.au.
To keep yourself and others safe, the Australian Government continues to encourage, where practicable, the below methods to minimise the spread of COVID-19.
Wash your hands often for 20 secs & use hand sanitiser in between
Cover a cough or sneeze, wash your hands & dispose of any tissues safely
Avoid physical contact & don't touch your eyes, nose & mouth
Maintain 1.5 metres distance from people where practicable
Clean work areas, common facilities (kitchens, bathrooms etc) & frequent touch points often
Stay home & get tested if you have the symptoms (even if you think it’s ‘just a cold’)
Display, read and follow all of Hutchies’ posters and signage around sites and offices
In high risk situations or when you cannot social distance, wear a face mask
Monitor Hutchies’ Toolbox for the latest information and advice
COVID-19 is the disease caused by the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. These can range from the common cold to more serious diseases.
Symptoms of COVID-19 may include:
![]() Fever | ![]() Coughing | ![]() Shortness of Breath | ![]() Sore Throat |
If you need advice, call Australia’s COVID hotline 1800 020 080 (24 x 7)