10 July 2020 / COVID-19

National Cabinet Address & Victoria Premier Update

The PM and CMO just spoke to the media following today’s National Cabinet Meeting, followed by the VIC Premier at a separate press conference.


  • News from VIC remains very concerning, but key here is all states and territories fully supporting VIC with resourcing
  • We all have to be very careful to protect against complacency everywhere in Australia, particularly behind closed doors, not just out in the open
  • When at home - still practice social distancing, no hugs and handshakes still
  • Social distancing is the norm now, not the exception, will be with us for a very long time – no change until vaccine found
  • Social distancing needs to be a habit, and just because everything is ok in other states, doesn’t mean you go back to the way things were before social distancing
  • Community has a role to play in terms of social distancing, and particularly the younger population
  • QLD border reopened today, except to VIC
  • Nat Cab has agreed in a reduction in number of inbound arrivals into Australia, will be cut by just over half across all ports that residents are returning to Australia – will drop to 4000 people per week allowed back in, no one to Victoria at the moment
  • Hotel quarantine is going to move towards charging people returning, some states already
  • A nationwide review of hotel quarantine is going to be undertaken - working with states and territories, important step to look into how each state is managing this, to have confidence around all arrangements in all states
  • PM / Nat Cab endorsed the advice on all Melbourne/Mitchell local government area residents to wear masks when they leave the house when they know they will be potentially entering a situation when 1.5 metre distancing can’t be maintained


  • Very clear that there is community transmission issue in Melbourne
  • Confined to Melbourne at the moment, but we are all at risk – modelling shows this
  • Physical distancing, cough hygiene, hand hygiene, everyone needs to continue to do these to stop the transmission across Australia
  • We’re all in this together

Victoria Premier

  • 288 cases recorded overnight (but record amount of daily testing, over 37,000 tests done in one day)
  • 2 million reusable masks are being made to distribute to residents, along with 1 million additional disposable masks
  • If you are out, and you don’t think you are going to be able to maintain 1.5 metres from others – wear a mask
  • Masks can be any face covering including scarfs – no type of mask protects from the virus 100% but are better than nothing when in close distance to others
  • Not compulsory but recommended now, and is backed by AHPPC
  • Anybody who is sick – only one reason to leave home, to get a test, otherwise stay home
  • If behaviour like gathering in numbers at houses continues, Melbourne is going to have to be locked down for longer than 6 weeks
  • Stay at home. The four acceptable reasons for leaving home are not an indication to leave, they are only to allow people to leave for reasonable circumstances – don’t go shopping for things you don’t need

Other Recent Activities

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10 October / Update

Make sure bin chute systems are installed correctly, following the tested systems and the manufacturers’ instructions.

Check the detailed drawings from Elephant’s Foot and Wastech for different wall types (plasterboard, shaft-liner, speed panel, concrete, Hebel, and masonry).

Any changes to the tested systems must be approved by your project certifier, signed off by the fire engineer in the fire engineering report (FER), and accepted by the relevant state / territory fire service.

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