26 October 2020 / COVID-19

Metro Melbourne Restrictions Easing

Victorian Premier Media Announcements

Please note this is a public announcement – not an announcement from Hutchies

The following announcements have just been made:

In metropolitan Melbourne, from 11:59pm on Tuesday October 27:

> Construction industry: 100% workforce capacity. Site visit limit on specialist contractors removed. Other additional obligations remain in place. 

> All retail will reopen. 

> Restaurants, hotels, cafes and bars will reopen as well.

> In indoor venues, there will be a maximum of 20 people, seated, with 10 people per space subject to density requirements (1 per 4m2).

> In outdoor venues, a maximum of 50 people with one person per two square metres.

> Beauty, personal services and tattooing, provided you can wear a mask, will reopen.

> Outdoor community sport for under 18 and outdoor noncontact sport for adults will recommence as well. 

> The four reasons to leave home will be removed.

> The 25 kilometre travel limit remains in place and the regional metropolitan border remains in place.

> Gatherings will no longer be limited to just two households to can be more than two households but the group cannot exceed 10.

> Weddings will increase to a maximum of 10 people. Funerals will increase to a maximum of 20 mourners.

> For religious gatherings, indoor there will be a maximum of 10 people plus a faith leader. Outdoor there will be a maximum of 20 people plus one faith leader.

In metropolitan Melbourne, from 11:59pm on Sunday November 8:

> 25 kilometre travel limit will lift.

> The metropolitan Melbourne regional border will lift.

> Gyms and fitness studios will open, with a maximum of 20 people per space, one person per 8 square metres.

> Restaurants, hotels, cafes and bars will move to an indoor maximum of 40 with 10 people per space, an outdoor maximum of 70 people with one person every 2 square metres.

> Religious gatherings will allow a maximum of 50 people, plus one faith leader, outdoors; indoors will be 20 people maximum plus one faith leader.

> Funerals: 20 mourners indoors; 50 mourners outdoors.

> Indoor community sport, non-contact sport for under-18 and sports capable of 1.5-metre social distancing can operate.

> Indoor pools will open for up to 20 people.

> Accommodation will reopen.

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10 October / Update

Make sure bin chute systems are installed correctly, following the tested systems and the manufacturers’ instructions.

Check the detailed drawings from Elephant’s Foot and Wastech for different wall types (plasterboard, shaft-liner, speed panel, concrete, Hebel, and masonry).

Any changes to the tested systems must be approved by your project certifier, signed off by the fire engineer in the fire engineering report (FER), and accepted by the relevant state / territory fire service.

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