21 July 2020 / COVID-19

JobKeeper & Job Seeker Updates

The PM and Treasurer just spoke to the media regarding upcoming changes to the JobSeeker and JobKeeper Programs:

  • Original system was simple and quick, and level of income support was provided to everyone that needed it desperately as quick as possible
  • JobKeeper – is being put in place for another 6 months, to March 2021, but reducing in value. $1200 per f/n but with two tier payment system to account for people earning less than the program or part time or casual workers.
  • JobSeeker – is being reduced to $250 per f/n with an increase to income free threshold to $300, meaning that people can earn $300 and still get the $250 JobSeeker payment. This will take effect at end of Sept, and run until end of Dec. JobSeeker mutual obligations will start again from 4 Aug.
  • Penalties to JobSeeker payments will kick in if jobs aren’t taken when they are offer to people receiving JobSeeker
  • More changes to JobSeeker flagged, and possible need to keep support ongoing past December or even announced in Oct Budget
  • Plan for people on JobSeeker - get them in a job or train them in a job
  • Current JobKeeper and JobSeeker arrangements will run until end of September as proposed
  • Coronavirus has hit Australian economy hardest ever in the last 100 years
  • 2 million Australians either lost their jobs or had hours reduced. 11.3% effective unemployment rate (lost their job or hours reduced to 0).
  • These payments are single largest economic measure ever – helped 960,000 businesses, 3.5 million workers so far. JobKeeper has stabilised losses.
  • To retain JobKeeper past September, employers will need to demonstrate reduction of turnover, of 30% or 50% depending on size, and show reduction for each previous quarter
  • The JobKeeper wage subsidy will continue until March next year, but payments will fall from $1,500 to $1,200 a fortnight after September. People working fewer than 20 hours a week will receive $750.
  • The payments will fall again to $1,000 a fortnight, and $650 a fortnight for people working fewer than 20 hours, for the first three months of 2021.
  • The JobSeeker coronavirus supplement will continue for another three months but fall from $550 to $250 a fortnight, meaning people on the program will receive $800 a fortnight after September (as opposed to $1,100 at the moment).

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23 Jul - 23 Aug / Compliance

Hutchies' accreditation with the Australian Government Federal Safety Commissioner (OFSC) has been renewed through to July 2030.

This confirms we have met the requirements of the Australian Government building and construction WHS Accreditation Scheme.

Clients may request a copy of Hutchies' certificate in tenders or as part of prequalification processes.

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22 Jul - 10 Aug / Initiative

NAWIC is excited to share a glimpse into their Male Allies Program — designed for men within the construction industry to understand and champion diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Partnering with Lysander, this self-paced, five digital module course aims to build awareness and knowledge — exploring key concepts, engaging in interactive learning experiences, and developing actionable plans to drive cultural change within their teams and organisations.

By participating in this program, learners will:

  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of gender disparities, biases and challenges faced by women in male dominated industries.
  • Recognise the importance of male allyship in creating inclusive workplace culture and fostering diversity.
  • Acquire practical skills and strategies to support and advocate for female colleagues, challenge biases and promote gender inclusivity.
  • Explore individual and collective roles in fostering gender inclusion, including personal, social, societal and organisational levels.
  • Commit to implementing action to promote gender inclusivity, advocate for change and shift the culture.

The NAWIC Male Allies Program will be launching 26 July — however, we are excited to open up early EOI’s for the program giving you 24 hours early access to the program before we release to the public! Please enter your details below to be added to our waitlist.

This program is exclusive to NAWIC members — you can join Hutchies' corporate membership for free.  

Please register your early interest in the contact form on NAWIC's website, for any additional queries please contact Carol at education@nawic.com.au

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