29 March 2021 / COVID-19

Construction Remains Essential Service in Greater Brisbane Lockdown

This morning the Queensland Government announced another 3 day lockdown period for the Greater Brisbane region. The lockdown will be in place from 5pm today (Monday) through to 5pm Thursday, 1 April 2021. At this stage, it is similar to the lockdown in January.

We’re continuing to receive information about the requirements, but below is the best information we have at the moment. As the Government releases more direction, we will provide you further updates.

There are also new restrictions in place for other parts of Queensland along with directions for anyone who has travelled from the Greater Brisbane region since 20 March 2021. Please read carefully below.

Hutchies has confirmed that the construction industry is still considered an essential service. Sites will remain open throughout the lockdown period.

However, it is vital that Hutchies’ people are fully implementing the necessary social distancing, hygiene and cleaning measures (detailed here).

In accordance with government directions, office based people should work from home where practicable during this period. Talk to your Team Leader to make appropriate arrangements.

If you live in Greater Brisbane and travel to a site or office outside of the region, the travel must be direct (no stops), and you must observe the same measures in place across Brisbane (summarised below).

When travelling into Greater Brisbane to a site or office (regardless of where you live), if returning home you must follow the same lockdown rules when you are home. Only leave for the four essential reasons and wear a mask when outside your home.

Everyone in Queensland must carry a mask at all times when you leave home and wear them in indoor spaces (including workplaces, except where not practicable on construction sites). It is also strongly recommended masks are worn outside when you cannot maintain 1.5 metres from other people.

Please ensure you read and follow all directions from the Queensland Government. Also continue to implement and follow all of Hutchies’ COVID-19 measures.

Hutchies will provide any other relevant updates to you via email or text message if necessary regarding the situation.

Get tested If you have any symptoms at all, get tested immediately and quarantine at home until you receive a negative result.

​Summary of Directions

Greater Brisbane Directions

The Greater Brisbane region has been declared a hotspot. Anyone who has been in this region since Saturday 20 March must also follow these restrictions (and any other local requirements), regardless of where they are.

Local government areas include Brisbane, Moreton Bay, Ipswich, Redlands and Logan. The lockdown will start at 5pm tonight, Monday 29 March, and run until 5pm Thursday 1 April.

You must:

> Only leave home for essential reasons (exercise with family groups, shopping for necessities, healthcare, and work and school if this can’t be done from home) – construction is considered essential work

> Masks must be carried with you at all times when you leave home, unless you have a lawful reason not to

> Masks must be worn in indoor spaces – including workplaces, except where not practicable on construction sites

> It is strongly recommended masks are worn outdoors if you cannot maintain 1.5m distance from other people

Other new restrictions include:

> Schools will be closed except for children of essential workers > Cafes, pubs and restaurants will be open only for takeaway and delivery services

Restrictions for the rest of Queensland

New restrictions have been introduced for the rest of Queensland as a result of one infectious case visiting Gladstone between 25 and 27 March.

These include:

> Masks must be carried with you at all times when you leave home, unless you have a lawful reason not to

> Masks must be worn in indoor spaces – including workplaces, except where not practicable on construction sites

> It is strongly recommended masks are worn outdoors if you cannot maintain 1.5m distance from other people

> Gatherings at home is limited to 30 people

> Hospitality venues can operate under 1 person per 2 square metres, and all patrons must be seated > Hospitals, aged care homes, disability facilities and prisons will limit visitors

Restrictions for travellers

If you have travelled (either personally or for work) from anywhere in the Greater Brisbane region since 20 March 2021 (shown below), you are also subject to these new restrictions, regardless of where you are now.

There may also be extra requirements in the state / territory in which you have travelled to, so ensure you check what you need to do (links to each government COVID site are included at the end of this email).

At a minimum, you must observe the restrictions in place for the Greater Brisbane region. 


As outbreaks continue to occur, Hutchies is tracking all state and territory updates across Australia daily. All relevant information is being provided to teams in affected areas, and updated on Hutchies’ Toolbox.

If you are unsure about any current restrictions or measures in place (including border controls), or need to know what is relevant to you or Hutchies’ broader workforce, feel free to contact us via coronavirus@hutchies.com.au


Good Hygiene

Wash your hands often for 20 secs & use hand sanitiser in between


Coughs & Sneezes

Cover a cough or sneeze, wash your hands & dispose of any tissues safely


Don't Touch!

Avoid physical contact & don't touch your eyes, nose & mouth


Social Distance

Maintain 1.5 metres distance from people where practicable


Regular Cleaning

Clean work areas, common facilities (kitchens, bathrooms etc) & frequent touch points often



Stay home & get tested if you have the symptoms (even if you think it’s ‘just a cold’)


Follow Directions

Display, read and follow all of Hutchies’ posters and signage around sites and offices


Face Masks

In high risk situations or when you cannot social distance, wear a face mask


Stay Informed

Monitor Hutchies’ Toolbox for the latest information and advice


COVID-19 is the disease caused by the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. 

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. These can range from the common cold to more serious diseases.

Symptoms of COVID-19 may include:



Shortness of Breath

Sore Throat

If you need advice, call Australia’s COVID hotline 1800 020 080 (24 x 7)

Other Recent Activities

View all activities
3 - 8 March / Weather Alert

With the threat of Tropical Cyclone Alfred tracking towards SEQ and forecast to make landfall from Thursday onwards, it is extremely important that we prepare our projects the best we can.

If all projects between Bundaberg and Byron Bay could today start the process of storm / cyclone preparations. 

This should be completed and documented using the Inspections > Site Shut Down - Cyclone Preparation Checklist F-084-C tab located on HammerTech.

Please note, any project that has an erected tower crane will also need to ensure they have updated documented advice from their crane engineer outlining the correct weathervane radius, this should be specific to your project. 

Hutchies' owned and managed cranes can coordinate this through Bradley Beck, all third party supplied cranes will need to actioned with their nominated representatives.

Any questions please call Jimmy Andersen on 0400 220 381 to discuss.

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11 Feb - 1 Mar / General

Calling all nominations for stand out apprentices, cadets and continuous learners across Hutchies.

Help us by nominating people you think are a true representation of Hutchies' way.

Nominate by COB Friday, 28 February 2025

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10 February / General

Do you have a voice for radio? We're looking for 2 people to be the voices to Hutchies. 

Your voice could be featured in Hutchies' videos. 

And you could win an iPhone 16.

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